- I Want I WANT by James C. Henderson People often ask me, “What do you want? I want the same things you want, I’ll bet. I want to be treated as a human being. I want to be respected as a person who has hopes and dreams that are not denied simply because others do not share […]
- Occupy as Mythology OCCUPY AS MYTHOLOGY by James C. Henderson mythology is a coordinated system of understanding and beliefs that enables a human to function successfully in the world. Mythology does not explain why things happen, but shows—through analogy and metaphor—how to deal with and appreciate what happens. It is a set of stories of how others have […]
- 99% Brighid-A Pagan Liberation Theology 99% BRIGHID–A PAGAN LIBERATION THEOLOGY by Scott Thompson he year 2011 saw massive uprisings and popular protests all over the world in the name of democracy and social justice. From October 2011 onward I was personally involved in these struggles as an activist for Occupy Minnesota. Given the reputation of Minneapolis as “Paganistan,” it’s not […]
- Always Occupied ALWAYS OCCUPIED by Carol Benedict have long believed the saying, “Societies are best judged by how they treat their most vulnerable.” And I also believe that right now, we are not doing a very good job with that. So it came as no shock when Occupy began, that I would immerse myself in the overwhelming […]
- The Great Work-Around THE GREAT WORK-AROUND by Scott Thompson number of years ago, I took a job working for a company that imported traditional music from Scotland and Ireland. I was interested in the music and I had experience in sales, so the owner of the company made me the marketing manager. “Manager” was strictly a hypothetical title, […]
- A Few Thoughts On Occupy from One Local Participant… A FEW THOUGHTS ON OCCUPY FROM ONE LOCAL PARTICIPANT… by Jeff Clark ince its arrival, Occupy has been labeled as being a “disruption” of public spaces and the routines of daily life. Its eventual, large-scale eviction from those spaces, however, has not resulted in banishing what the continuous physical presence is meant to represent: an […]
- Occupy Revisited OCCUPY REVISITED by James C. Henderson It’s been over a year since we occupied the Hennepin County Government Center Plaza in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We called it, “The People’s Plaza” and then populated it with liberated people day and night. It’s empty now.
- Building a World That Works for All BUILDING A WORLD THAT WORKS FOR ALL A Speech Given to the Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers in November 2012 by Scott Thompson he theme of our gathering tonight is “Building a world that works for all.” This phrase is not just a nice thought or a hopeful intention; it’s the whole spirit of Occupy condensed […]
- Occupy October Occupy October Jack-O’-Lantern. Design and Photo by Davis L. Gonzalez