- Standing up in the State of Minnesota STANDING UP IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA by Cheryl Kathleen Gerth here is no mistaking that Citizens United is one of the most egregiously prejudiced rulings in the history of the United States judicial system. Borne under the auspices of corporate greed, its conception and enactment have served only to fuel and enforce the power […]
- The Art of Arbitrage THE ART OF ARBITRAGE by James C. Henderson rbitrage is the simultaneous buying and selling of securities, currency, or commodities in various markets to exploit slight differences between acquisition cost and market value. It is all about relative value. The term has another meaning from the late Middle English. Arbitrage here is defined as the […]
- Ditched on the Road to Progress DITCHED ON THE ROAD TO PROGRESS by Carol Benedict knew the risks. I knew my name would be smeared, that I would be blamed for it. I knew the minute the investigator leaned across the desk and asked, “What were you wearing?” But I reported my rape anyway. That was in 1977. That was when […]