• Let’s Talk about Anarchy LET’S TALK ABOUT ANARCHY by Scott Thompson ith three grand jury resisters now in jail for refusing to testify against their friends, even people with no sympathy for the Occupy movement have started to take notice. The police state tactics are finally starting to scare people, or at least a few of them. But even […] No responses 4 min read October 6, 2012
  • Occupation OCCUPATION by Athena M. Henderson The roar of trucks and motorcycles the dust and chaos of men in enemy uniforms. “Where are you going?” my mother asks. “To another town,” the Nazi Captain says. Where they kick in the doors of the church and order two young men into their truck. Offering of figs, quince, […] No responses 2 min read August 5, 2012
  • What Do the Riot Police and the Black Bloc Have In Common? WHAT DO THE RIOT POLICE AND THE BLACK BLOCK HAVE IN COMMON? by Scott Thompson hat do riot police and Black Bloc have in common? I’m not talking about the obvious answers. Some people might say they have violence in common, but this isn’t an essay about “diversity of tactics.” I’ve never seen a Black […] No responses 4 min read July 4, 2012